

Ded Brothers Real Estate

Ded Brothers is a family company established in Istanbul in 2023. It offers you the most livable houses especially for families with children. Its biggest goal is to find reliable homes as well as luxury and comfort.

Downtown | Istanbul
Burç İstanbul Business Center
185/234 Istanbul, Turkey 34534

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Our Real Estate Family

Parents & Children

Talip Anıl Demirel
Real Estate Agent
Talip Anıl Demirel
Real Estate Agent

Intelligent, ambitious, energetic and proactive perfectionist. Working with DED BROTHERS is a signature of success.

Ayşenur Demirel
Real Estate Agent
Ayşenur Demirel
Real Estate Agent

Intelligent, ambitious, energetic and proactive perfectionist. Working with DED BROTHERS is a signature of success.

Devrim Ege Demirel
Real Estate Agent (Intern)
Devrim Ege Demirel
Real Estate Agent (Intern)

Intelligent, ambitious, energetic and proactive perfectionist. Working with DED BROTHERS is a signature of success.

Doruk Efe Demirel
Real Estate Agent (Intern)
Doruk Efe Demirel
Real Estate Agent (Intern)

Intelligent, ambitious, energetic and proactive perfectionist. Working with DED BROTHERS is a signature of success.


Happy Families

Really good Theme. We can't understand how we've been living without DED BROTHERS. They put together an incredible set of options- full of creative ideas that I’ve never seen in any other Theme.
Roy Bennett
Marketing Manager, Envato
Great work on your DED BROTHERS. I like it more and more each day because it makes my life easier and lot profitable. I couldn’t have asked for more than this.
Kelly Sandoval
Realtor, Envato
DED BROTHERS is the next killer theme. I strongly recommend DED BROTHERS to everyone interested in running a successful online business! Thanks for this awesome theme.
Kathleen Peterson
Sales Manager, Envato

Ded Brothers

Real Estate Agent

Downtown | Istanbul
Burç İstanbul Business Center
185/234 Istanbul, Turkey 34534

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